Coat of Arms
Heyso vom Falken and the offspring who stayed in Hessen and Thuringia (vom means he is from Falken AND lives there) used the following coat of arms from 1336:
Mathis von Falken zu Fermerswalde, Triestewitz, Chemnitz, Nichtewitz, Bleddin, Wettin, etc.., in Saxony and his offspring also used the above shown coat of arms in order to show that they are in charge of main part of Saxony and that they are in charge of main part of Thuringia. The griffin coat of arms, which was also used by the noble family Falcken refers to their activities in Pommern. Later on in 1548 this was rewarded with the appointment of Johann Falcken as Chancellor of Pommern. The Falcken-Reck family in Westphalen also used the Griffin coat of arms
Bogislaw X., der Grosse (June 3th 1454 – October 5th 1523) was Duke of Pommern (aus dem Greifenhaus) and held close ties with Albert of Saxony and his son George the “Bearded”, 1471-1539 (who remained faithful to the Catholic Church and the HRE. His son is Maurice of Saxony). The griffin is also visible in and outside Torgau (Saxony) on the road to Schloss Triestewitz which was owned by von Falken until 1555 and which they sold to the Elector/Kurfurst of Saxony:

Falkenreck coat of arms:
A significant part of the “Uradel” is not mentioned in the Adelslexikon of the Genealogical Handbook of the nobility. Completeness is not to achieve, because there has been only in very few regions German nobility and Aristocracy offices and Registers. It therefore does not say much, when a noble family is mentioned in the Adelslexikon.
When the von Falken moved out of their region (Thuringia and Saxony and Pommern) to Westphalen; Gft Mark and Diocese Osnabruck, they did not find or go to a German Nobility and Aristocracy Register, to announce their name change into Falken-Reck. For this reason you can only find the split names (von Falken and von Reck) in the Adelslexikon of the Genealogical Handbook of the nobility.

Falken combined Reck for apparent reasons. The most important being to show their alliance with a very powerful “uradliche” family von reck/von der recke, which was especially useful since they moved to the region where the Von Reck/Von Der Recke dominated. Another reason to merge these two Uradel names, was to safeguard the impressive history and achievements of these two ancient noble families. One must know that the merging of these two names happened when the reformation was doing everything to destroy the history of the ancient Catholic noble families. By merging the names Falken and Reck, the bearers of this name are a living proof of the impressive ancient noble history.